Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Female Influencers Communicate Online in the US

emarketer reporting
Content-sharing is a common currency for women online, and most use the internet to some extent for word-of-mouth. Some key influencer groups rely on online communication more than others, and some subgroups are power users of social networking sites who use them as a major communication tool to get the word out about brands—and anything else—they love.
AOL and Bovitz Research Group broke the online female population down into several identity segments based on their values, habits and characteristics.
The research found that the smallest groups overall were the most active online and contributed the most to online word-of-mouth. Social expressionistas, which make up just 8% of the online female population, were overwhelmingly the most likely to say that they use the internet as a way to express their views and that they interact online with people like themselves. According to AOL, the social expressionista “defines herself as using the web to connect with others and to express her views, her art, and her projects.”

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