Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blogs Influence Women's Shopping Experience

onlinemediadaily reporting:
Since women turn to online sources for information during critical times in the purchase decision process, marketers might benefit from knowing that 35% turn to sources at the beginning of the process and 42% at the end to narrow their choices, according to BlogHer's Fifth Annual Women and Social Media study.
The study identifies emerging platforms that women use to gain information about products and services. It also traces the connection to specific media channels and analyzes the influence of each on purchase behavior.
Seventy-seven percent of women use Facebook for fun, while 87% turn to Facebook to remain up to date with with family. More than 61% of active blog readers admit to making purchases based on a blog recommendation, nearly double the rate of Facebook and Twitter active users -- 33% and 31% -- respectively.
Purchase conversion among the BlogHer community was 87%.
While Facebook ranks the highest for fun and keeping up with friends and family, blogs rank the highest in learning about new products and research recommendations that can turn into purchase decisions. Some 41% seek out blogs to learn about new products, 39% look for product recommendations, and 36% use blogs to make purchase decisions.
Aside from Facebook, the BlogHer community tends to gravitate toward emerging tools. Some 43% use Instagram and 77% use Pinterest, compared with the general population at 11% and 19%, respectively.

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