Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 innovative digital books you should know about

O'Reilly Radar reporting:

A year ago I was knee-deep in iPad apps, sifting for gold among sludge as I combed for Best iPad Apps-worthy entries. My next book has me back in waders, this time looking for innovative, user-friendly digital books. Seems like a shame to wait for the pub date to share my findings.
What follows, then, is an early snapshot of some of the best of what I've seen. You'll no doubt notice a heavy bias towards iPad apps. Partly that's because of my previous research, partly it's because of where developer dollars are flowing. Still, not everyone has the same taste in fruit. Please, please dear reader: help me make this a less Apple-centric list by sending me your suggestions (my contact info is at the end of this post). PR overtures are welcome but, hey, channel the spirit of Twitter: keep the pitches brief and send them in English-major-friendly English, okay?
Cathy's Book
An iPhone app implementation of a print book that, impressively, does loads that can't be done in print: animated renderings of the narrator's sketchbook drawings; voicemail phone clues that contribute to the story; and audio/text mashups that are more than simply a recorded version of what you can read onscreen. The designers have even done a great job of moving between regular text and brief animations. That one's tough to pull off in a way that maintains the "reading line": the storytelling momentum that pulls a reader along from start to finish.

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