Friday, August 5, 2011

New marketing data shows more content lead to more leads

Hubspot Blog reporting:
HubSpot recently crunched the lead generation numbers for over 4,000 companies, and the results, at least from a marketing perspective, make quite a compelling case that "more is better" when it comes to content creation. In the case of blogs, landing pages, and indexed pages -- which are all critical pieces of the inbound marketing methodologies -- data showed that companies that created more, generated more leads and traffic back in return. 
In Short, the Data Revealed:
  1. Companies that blogged 20 or more times in a month saw the most return in traffic and leads
  2. Companies with over 400 indexed pages generated the most traffic and leads
  3. Companies with over 31 landing pages generated the most leads (nearly 10 times that of the lowest, ‘less that 5’ category).
The obvious conclusion of “more is better” could lead some into hastily thinking they should pad their website numbers, start splintering pages and posting tweet-length blog posts 4 times a day. But that notion...

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